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Isabelle COHEN Professional license / certificate uploaded

Isabelle, tour guide in Jerusalem
I am from Paris area where I grew up until the age of 20 years . I live in Jerusalem since 1995, I have studied at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts where I got my license. I continue my studies for an MA in archeology. I am tour guide for 7 years, expert on Jerusalem, I guide all over the country. I delight in Lier art and archeology in my explanations. I guide groups and individuals, and my way of telling stories as much to please children.

About the guide
Cultural tour guide
Sport, nature and adventure guide
Trekking and mountain guide
Speaking languages
English, French, Others
Activity started in
Interests centers
Diploma, references, agreements
Licensed tour guide
License or certificate (click to enlarge)
Tailor-made tours Car 4WD Family / Children Disabled Culture Unusual Gastronomy Fair tourism Ecology Horse Excursion / trekking Mountain Kayak / raft Climbing Diving 
Tailor-made tours, Car, 4WD, Family / Children, Disabled, Culture, Unusual, Gastronomy, Fair tourism, Ecology, Horse, Excursion / trekking, Mountain, Kayak / raft, Climbing, Diving
Contact - Get a quote
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Address : dereh Yossef Weitz 5, havat soussim Alafi 95467 Jerusalem ISRAEL
Phone : 0545663884
Mobile : Jerusalem

Guided tour #1: Jerusalem- Bible in hand

Duration : 1 day
Level : easy Easy
Every Christian in the world has heard of Jerusalem. And in Jerusalem, who hasn’t heard of the Mount of Olives, of the Temple, of the Via Dolorosa, of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary? Don’t all these places echo in your heart like a prayer, like a call to contemplation, a call to learn more? Come and discover these places with me! My tours are designed in the respect of every individual’s personal way, to allow each one to grow in his knowledge of God and in his love for Him. Every Christian pilgrimage is also a Biblical pilgrimage, even more so in Israel. Your tour here is a privileged way towards the source of life (Psalm 41), and is the promise of a unique and unforgettable experience!
I offer to guide you, Bible in hand, in the Holy Land:
- with Emperor Constantine and Saint Helen in Jerusalem: we will learn about the history of the fist Byzantine churches, built more than three hundred years after Jesus: the Church of Eleona on the Mount of Olives , the Byzantine part of the Holy Sepulcher , the Pool of Bethesda built on two large pools, the church at Siloam, and the Nea – the New Church of St. Mary , recently discovered thanks to a 6th century map found in Jordan.
- with the Crusaders in the Holy Land : come and discover Mont Joie, where the Crusaders saw Jerusalem for the first time. Enter Jerusalem through the first breach made by Godfrey of Bouillon. Visit the Holy Sepulcher renovated by Queen Melisande , an extraordinary monarch and a great builder, who ruled over the Kingdom of Jerusalem with an iron fist; discover the Saint Anne Church she built for her sister.

Activities, services on this tour:
Family / Children Disabled Culture Unusual
Family / Children, Disabled, Culture, Unusual

Guided tour #2: Tour in the Holy Land

Duration : 8 days
Level : easy Easy
Day 1: Paris - Tel Aviv
Leaving Paris and fly to Tel Aviv. Upon arrival, reception at the airport by the team of Rimonim, transfer to the hotel.

Day 2: Caesarea Haifa-Saint-Jean d'Acre-Nazareth
Way to Caesarea and visit the port city built by Herod the Great. Departure to Haifa for a panoramic view of the Bahai Gardens. Visit the Hall of Knights in St. Jean d 'Acre and the road to Nazareth. Visit the Basilica of the Annunciation and its crypt. Overnight in hotel kibbutz in Galilee.

Day 3: Lake Tiberias
View of Lake Mount of Beatitudes and visit of the octagonal church symbolizing the eight beatitudes of the Gospel. At Tabha, visit the Church of the Multiplication of the loaves and fishes. Crossing the lake by boat. Continue to Capernaum: visit the ruins of the house of Saint Peter and the synagogue. Stop at the edge of the Jordan in one of referring to the baptism of Christ by John. Overnight in Galilee.

Day 4: Mount Tabor - Qumran-Dead Sea-Jerusalem
The morning rise in Tabor, site of the Transfiguration. Visit the ancient city of Beth Shean, who was part of the Decapolis. Road to Jericho. Visit the site of Qumran and the Essenes lived and where the manuscript was discovered in the Dead Sea. Swimming and Spa has the Dead Sea. Ascent to Jerusalem in the Judean desert. Arrival in Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 5: Jerusalem - Bethlehem
Visit the Museum of Israel or is a model of Jerusalem at the time of King Herod and visit the shrine of the book. Group photo before the Israeli parliament the Knesset. Visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial, the memorial of the children and the aisle of the righteous. Stop at Ein Karem, the place of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth and the birthplace of John the Baptist. End of the afternoon in Bethlehem. Visit the Basilica and the Grotto of the Nativity and Shepherds' Field. Overnight in
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marketJerusalem- Bible in hand marketTour in the Holy Land
Cédric SANCHEZ - FRANCE  Review 2014-05-15 14:58 - 5
Voyage en Israël dont 2 jours (seulement) à Jérusalem. Cette ville est extraordinaire mais nécessite d'être visitée avec un guide.

Isabelle est super sympa et nous emmène via des passages ou des lieux par lesquels nous n'aurions jamais songé à emprunter.

La visite était agrémenté de commentaires et références historiques et/ou religieuses.
Le rythme était parfaitement dosé. C'était passionn...

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Marc PELTA - FRANCE  Review 2014-05-06 18:17 - 5
All reviewsNous avons passé six heures avec Isabelle dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem et nous le regrettons amèrement. Si nous avions su à quel point cette visite serait passionnante, nul doute que nous l'aurions gardée beaucoup beaucoup plus longtemps.
Culture, gentillesse, compétence, tolérance, Isabelle mérite d'être incontournable.
Si vous voyagez en Israël, ne la ratez sous aucun prétexte et si elle... Read more...

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Pascale VENTRE - FRANCE  Review 2014-02-28 18:55 - 5
Isabelle est extraordinaire ! Elle nous a guidés (famille de 4 adultes) une journée durant dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem.
Avec son immense culture, elle nous a fait découvrir toute la beauté de cette ville, en mêlant la religion, l'histoire, l'architecture ; en faisant des parallèles entre les religions, et en étant très à l'écoute de nos questions. Et en racontant des anecdotes très vivante... Read more...

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Marroni NICOLE - CANADA  Review 2013-09-30 19:32 - 5
Quel professionnalisme! Quelle compétence ! Quelle passion!

Nous étions 6 québécois avons vécu intensément avec Isabelle

pendant 6 jours.
Elle a su nous communiquer son savoir, à nous intéresser à la vie quotidienne de son peuple et à l'histoire.

Nous avons tellement apprécié ses anecdotes,son humour, sa bonne humeur, son aide soutenue et sa grande disponibilité.

Elle s'est vite ada...

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